
Christmas gifts can be meaningful

Friday, December 4, 2015

For the first time in several years I am getting excited about Christmas shopping. I think it will be a good experience for me and I hope it will be also for those who will receive our gifts. We cannot spend very much money this year because the medicines we are both taking now are so expensive and we've had some unexpected medical costs not covered by Uncle Sam or our insurance. I've heard that story so many times with the attitude -- why didn't they prepare better? Well, now I can ask that of ourselves, but we thought we were prepared. But it will not be a big problem because of the shopping I am doing.

I won't need a driver to take me anywhere, and I don't think I will have to use the phone very much. (It's probably a good thing too, because my new smart phone has either outsmarted me or it has changed rules in the middle of the game.)

Most of you know that I'm not very good in the kitchen, so I gave up on the idea of making cookies for everyone. The story about candy is even worse. You see, I love Christmas candy and if is being made in my kitchen, it will not last until we wrap it with a bow. One piece and I can't stop eating it.

Everyone has all the books I have written plus a couple or more by Ellen, and the way everyone is snapping pictures every time we are together no one needs pictures of us anymore. That used to be a good idea for gifts, but not anymore.

But I am not giving up on the plan to give each one of my family gifts. And I am not going to hurt our bank account either.

One quick look when going through the bedroom to pick up some dirty clothes, took care of one shopping stop/ (No, I will not give any of them dirty clothes!) But I spotted two gifts I hadn't even thought about earlier.

I will carefully wrap each of those articles and write a little paragraph explaining about the gift -- where did I get it and why did I think of giving it to this relative and not one of the others.

I think I will be able to do this even for the little children, except maybe the two littlest.

Some things I thought of, but will not give yet, will be things I am still using, things I still enjoy seeing every day and things that have such a strong memory about the person who gave it to me that I can't bear to give away yet.

I realize that I may choose to give one child what another has asked for. I will give them permission to swap gifts if that would solve the problem. I also know that what I consider a valuable keepsake with strong family memories may mean nothing to a to a small child but perhaps the parents will help out there by suggesting what they might do with it.

If what they decided to do with it involves the trash can I may speak up and put it up for auction with the money going to the one I presented it to first.

I'll bet you won't even miss a thing when you come into our house, but if there is something still there it probably already has a sticker on the back telling who will receive it later.

I am going to try to take my Scrabble board with me.