County Farm Bureau leaders take part in policy-making process

Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Pictured are Vernon County attendees Kyle, Kalyn and Gage Cushard.

After a year of celebrating 100 years as an organization, leaders of the Vernon County Farm Bureau looked ahead during the 101st annual meeting of Missouri Farm Bureau, which drew a crowd of more than 1,300 members. Held at Tan-Tar-A Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks Dec. 6-8, the event focused on the next governor, legislative priorities for 2016, and agriculture far into the future.

Those attending from Vernon County were Kyle, Kalyn and Gage Cushard.

MFB President Blake Hurst touched on the meeting's "Imagine" theme during his address. "It is easy to imagine Farm Bureau helping assure the future is good for farming. And, like all of you fortunate enough to have children and grandchildren, my grandkids remind me why nothing is as essential as imagining and working for a bright future for agriculture."

Voting delegates at the meeting reviewed and approved a number of policy positions. Members passed resolutions showing their support for the $1 state beef checkoff proposal and reaffirming strong support for increased transportation funding.

Recognizing continuing work at the Capitol this year on the Missouri Dairy Revitalization Act, policy was approved urging the Legislature to fully fund the Act. New policies support telehealth and telemedicine programs to help rural Missouri get improved access to healthcare. "Members support state funding for programs that provide efficient, affordable rural broadband for health, educational and homeowner use," noted a press release.

There were dozens of other issues debated and the resulting policy passed by delegates will guide Farm Bureau through 2016. The complete 2016 policy will be posted online at

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