County budget discussions continue

Saturday, January 9, 2016
Northern Commissioner, Neal Gerster (left) and Presideing Commisioner, Joe Hardin (right) discuss budget cuts from one of the 14 funds the commisioners looked over Thursday. Noah Jones/Daily Mail

Nevada Daily Mail

The Vernon County Commissioners met Thursday to begin to finalize the 2016 budget for Vernon County.

The county's general revenue fund is preliminarily estimated to be $3,983,793.05. This figure includes a total of $1,303,105 the general revenue fund estimates getting back from fees departments are paid for their services.

Of the total revenue, $453,982.83 comes from transfers in, including $300,000 from the county's law enforcement sales tax, and $119,982.83 from a road and bridge administrative transfer.

The grand total of appropriations for the 2016 budget is preliminarily set at $4,650,655.07 with 23 total transfers out to help run Vernon County departments. In 2015, the general revenue fund expended $4,205,777.29. As of Dec. 31, 2015, the fund had $700,832 available cash.

The assessment fund's summary of available resources, estimated revenues and appropriations for 2016 document, estimated its 2016 revenues to be $344,092.26, however, it also estimated a year-ending balance of $0. Its expenditures include training and mileage and geographical information systems mapping from Midland.

The special road and bridge fund has an estimated $2,240,392.50 in revenue stemming from property taxes, estimated $123,000, and Intergovernmental revenues such as vehicle sales and vehicle fees and a $5,200 transfer from the sewer fund. The fund also has an estimated $2,000 interest income among other sources of revenue.

The special road and bridge fund has currently estimated $2,535,368.48 in appropriations, according to its budget document. Including a $120,731.83 transfer to the general revenue for administration. The document cites $194,000 in capital outlay.

The commissioners are appropriating $5,200 for repair and maintenance in the 2016 sewer budget.

Presiding Commisioner, Joe Hardin looks over the Law Enforcement Sales Tax Fund. Noah Jones/Daily Mail

The Local Emergency Planning Committee summary of available resources, estimated revenues and appropriations for 2016 expenditures document has $15,098 in cash available as of Dec. 31, 2015.

In their appropriation by object of expenditures the Local Emergency Planning Committee is expected to spend $15,000. This estimate comes directly from the health and welfare line. The document also estimates $3,650 in revenues from intergovernmental revenues.

The Payment in Lieu of taxes fund, made up of "Federal payments to local governments that help offset losses in property taxes due to non-taxable Federal lands within their boundaries," according to the Department of the Interior's website, currently has $35,084.51 available cash as of Dec. 31, 2015. The commissioners are making a matching appropriation of $35,085.51 to the PILT fund. Their appropriation is a disbursement expense, presiding commissioner, Joe Hardin, said.

The commissioner's budget meetings will resume Monday. Northern Commissioner Neal Gerster said he hoped to finalize the budget next week.

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