
New beginnings

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Hi neighbors. March is a busy month for many of us. We have to start planning our flower and vegetable gardens. Spring starts on the 20th; St. Patrick's Day is on the 17th. I've always heard peas have to be planted by St. Patrick's Day, even in planted in snow!

Daylight Savings Time begins on the 13th. Beware the Ides of March on the 15th! International Earth Day is on the 20th. And don't forget Easter on the 27th!

Remember the 8th is International Women's Day.

There is lots to celebrate as individuals, families, communities and globally. For women and people of Irish-American decent, March is a great time to do some history research and share it with your family.

America has many groups of people, once separated by ethnic, gender, cultural, political and/or religious heritages. Now they are Americans and although we celebrate our differences, we thrive by recognizing our similarities.

Every month is a good time to speak to your children about these differences and similarities. Don't avoid chances to point out your family's heritage; but also speak about how your family found its way to America and why.

When I was in high school, a woman from Cuba came to speak at a mother/daughter banquet in 1967. She explained about the Communist take over of Cuba and how she and hundreds of others fled to America to retain their freedom and keep their very lives. She ended her speech with a line I have never forgotten and I'd like you to all think of this and discuss it. She said, "We came to America to be free. But when America is threatened by terrorists, where will you go? Where in the world is another America? Where will you go?"

Teach your children that freedom is not given freely; it is earned and protected by citizens who are willing to fight to keep America's enemies at bay; and maintained by citizens who vote, who know government process and who have a good education; can read and write and can gather information, avoiding the hype, and make decisions based on American ideals.

Sometimes we worry about an influx of immigrants that we fear might change America. Most immigrants to America change America for the better. All immigrants should be prepared to become Americans, pledge allegiance to the flag and to the government, but most importantly, to their fellow Americans. No matter where you came from, no matter what you have endured; when you accept America as your home, you are one of us.

There are many celebrations in March that point to foundations of American ideals, history and cultural diversity; overshadowed and linked by cultural unity.

As far as months go, March has a lot scheduled for the whole month. For instance, it's Irish-American Heritage Month, National Clean Up Your IRS Act Month, International Mirth Month, Women's History Month, and National Social Work Month.

Ideas for home education include Deaf History Month, Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science & Engineering Month, and International Ideas Month. Also National March Into Literacy Month, National Craft Month, and National Ethics Awareness Month

Schools can celebrate Honor Society Awareness Month, International Expect Success Month, International Listening Awareness Month, Music In Our Schools Month, and National Athletic Training Month.

It's also National Cheerleading Safety Month, Youth Art Month, and Play The Recorder Month, as well as Sing With Your Child Month.

March celebrates a month of flying kites, and using umbrellas. Now we know what the weather should be. With the winds we've been having, a kite would get broken before it got off the ground. But there is a lot of March left! So buy a kite (and an umbrella) and hope for the best.

If food is on your mind a lot in March it's because March is National Frozen Food Month, National Noodle Month, National Nutrition Month, National Caffeine Awareness Month, and National Peanut Month!

March is also Small Press Month, so if you have been thinking about starting a family newsletter March might be a good time to get started.

Until the next time friends, remember, no matter the weather, the trials, the triumphs and the celebrations, we are all on this grand ship called America; riding proudly on the giant oceans of planet Earth. Let's always back off far enough to see the large picture. Makes each day seem less overwhelming. Besides, March is Optimism Month!