The answer is Jesus
By Dr. Ron Jones
We have just been exposed to the worst mass shooting in U.S. history in Orlando, Fla. As per the words of Rahm Emmanuel, "never let a good crisis go to waste," the event is being used not only to vilify the Second Amendment, but to try to polish the image of the LGBT community. The crux of the problem is not the guns, it's the unregenerate hearts of our citizens.
The secularization of our society has been accomplished slowly, but steadily for at least 100 years (yes, like the frog in the pot). As we've noted before, America was at one time a Christian nation, and had been ever since the Pilgrims planted a Christian cross on the shore when they first arrived. George Washington's first task as president was to lead the house and senate to a little church to dedicate the new nation to Jehovah (not to Allah).
For the first 100 years of our nation the Reverend John McGuffey taught our students in the public schools important life lessons from the Bible via his series of "Readers." Church services were held in the nation's capitol building with the Marine band playing the hymns! Go look at all of the Bible verses quoted on the walls of our buildings in Washington, D.C., including the Supreme Court building. Yes, the Ten Commandments are inscribed above the benches of our Supreme Court judges.
Many well-meaning Christians call for putting the Ten Commandments back on the walls of our schools, but if this is ever done, there needs to be an explanation. They were not given by God for us to follow in order to make us better and to be closer to Him. No, their purpose was to reveal to us our sinful nature and our absolute need for a Saviour. The law has no power to save -- only Christ Jesus does.
How far we have fallen. Not only has God been kicked out of our public schools but our government has made a mockery of God's word by legalizing the killing of pre-born babies, by legalizing the perversion of same-sex marriages, and by requiring women to use the same restrooms as men. But God is not mocked and will put an end to all of this blasphemy.
Our nation's monetary strength was stolen in 1913 when the Federal Reserve was illegally allowed to control our money, instead of Congress as specified in the Constitution. Our sole means of controlling our government ended in 1971 when President Nixon severed the tie of our currency to gold. A prerequisite for tyranny is fiat money, and that's what we now have.
The banks that should have failed in 2008 were saved via blackmail to the tune of $700 billion. Remember TARP? The banks held our politicians hostage by promising martial law and a crashed stock market if they weren't given the money. Nothing has improved, in fact we are much worse off now. The national debt has doubled under President Obama, and now our five largest banks are exposed to over $200 trillion of derivatives (bad bets). Deutsche Bank is currently failing, and our five biggest banks will follow suit.
The chaos that will follow the collapse of our economy will be phenomenal. Our government is expecting it. The elites have slithered to their underground bunkers scattered around the world. NORAD has moved back into Cheyenne Mountain. Obama's "civilian security force" (DHS) has purchased guns and ammo, millions of emergency meals, and millions of caskets. Our stock market is a very dangerous place to be at this time It may make a new high soon, but expect disappointment afterward.
Precious metals offer insurance for one's savings and retirement, and the storage of food, water, and other supplies can be life-saving, but everyone needs to have an anchor, and there is only one -- Christ Jesus.
We have recently celebrated the life of Mohammed Ali, "the greatest." He may have been the best prize fighter of all time, but it appears that his greatest mistake in life was in converting to the religion that enslaved more black people than any other in history. It is also a religion of the anti-Christ. "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist that denieth the father and the Son." (I John 2:22) The Qur'an repeatedly states that "Allah has no son." Pray for those who belong to the main religion of antichrist.
All of the above sounds like "gloom and doom," but the Bible does promise that things in the last days will be awful. There will even be a "famine for hearing the word" of God. A "Beast System" will control world commerce. We are just about there. It is a fact that Christ Jesus will return to earth, but not before the Antichrist is revealed. "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition." (II Timothy 2:3) The Bible is all about Jesus, and He is everything you need. Deceit is rampant today, but as a Christian you have the Holy Spirit to "guide you into all truth" and give you discernment. Don't leave home without it. (Him) The answer is Jesus!