
Economic mayhem ahead

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

We have explained in the past how the "elite" have taken over control of the United States in 1913 by establishing the Federal Reserve Act, which removed the control of our money (and hence, the power and decision-making) from Congress where it belongs and placed it instead in the hands of mostly foreign, non-accountable big bankers. The "Fed" is actually not a part of our government, and has no "reserves."

The power centers of the world are now in the hands of central bankers, just as has been planned for decades. The U.S. has sadly destabilized nation after nation and replaced their duly elected heads of state with more radical, but complicit, figures. The first thing that was done after Muammar Gaddafi was deposed was the establishment of a central bank for Libya (and the theft of that nation's gold). There is, in fact, a central bank for all of the central banks, and that is the BIS, or Bank of International Settlements. It is the world's oldest international financial organization, established in May of 1930, and its head office is in Basel, Switzerland. Two representative banks are located in Hong Kong, China and in Mexico City, Mexico.

You could say that these central banks "run the world" with their globalist agenda. They seek centralization of power, and therefore oppose the sovereignty of nations, including the United States. A majority of people in Britain realize this, and just voted for BREXIT, to try to extricate themselves from the tyranny of the European union.

I think you could accurately say that the globalists represent the head of the "Beast System" we read about in the Bible. Their transfer of power from "we the people" to themselves explains your feeling of helplessness about the problems facing our nation and what can be done. They fund wars (both sides), corporate friends, and the campaigns of complicit Congressmen and women from both sides of the aisle.

These central bankers have bankrupted many nations around the world today, including America. (The U.S. national debt has doubled under President Obama) The plan is to get nations into such debt and turmoil that they will beg for anyone to come to their aid, even if it means starting additional wars. They, of course, will offer solutions. Eventually the Antichrist will appear on the scene to bring "peace," and I suspect that he is alive today.

Britain's vote to try to regain some control over their own affairs, instead of having the majority of their laws and regulations come down from Brussels, was a slap in the face of the globalists. You can expect that when the crash comes, and it will, the blame will be laid at the feet of Britain for not staying with the Union. England must be punished. The greatest bubble of all time, the derivative bubble, will pop and we will see the greatest worldwide turmoil in history.

There is much to "speculate" about, but we can be pretty certain that this does not end well unless you are a Christian, and for you it ends very well! I believe that we are in the last days of the "end times." While gloom abounds, there is strong evidence that there are "good guys" in position to help end the financial control by the "bad guys." For an interesting perspective, look up "Wishes and Rainbows," a comic book published by the Federal Reserve of Boston, along with a teachers' guide, that outlines a return to a gold standard for the United States. (Perhaps a "gold-backed currency" might be more accurate.) Check out the "Road to Roota" theory.

John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz co-developed the programming language "BASIC" around 1964. "RootA" is a term found in the "BASIC" manual, and Alan Greenspan is the character Roota in the comic book. Greenspan learned from ex-Fed chairman Arthur Burns how the banking cartel had stolen the global monetary system from the people, and wrote computer programs to orchestrate the destruction of the fiat money system. It's been said that he gave the bankers "enough rope to hang themselves."

While it's true that Alan Greenspan has been an apparent apologist for the un-backed fiat money system, in his early days he was an outspoken supporter for the value of gold and a gold-backed monetary system. It's interesting that Warren Buffet's father, Congressman Howard Buffet, was the "Ron Paul of his day" and an ardent gold bug. Which side Alan Greenspan is actually on remains to be seen, but I think we will soon find out.

I continue to point folks to gold and silver, but remember that it is in God we trust, not gold! If you have a stockbroker and that person has not convinced you to have at least 10 percent of your net worth in precious metals, you will soon regret it. ALL fiat money systems crash, and the dollar's day is coming. That includes savings, CD's, retirement funds, mutual funds -- anything denominated in dollars.

The banking elite are out of ammunition, and when they start the money- printing you can expect rapidly-rising inflation, which means that the value of your "money" will be dropping while prices are rising. Gold and silver maintain their worth. You can't buy stuff with them, you say? Well, they are easily exchanged for whatever is being used for money at the time.

Next time let's have a look at how America could truly be made great again. Since our "greatness" began with our God, that's where we'll start.