Sheldon cross country gearing up for districts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Sheldon Panthers Cross Country team competed in several events in mid and late September, including the Stockton Invitational, the 10th Annual Hermitage Invitational held at Outlet Park near Pomme de Terre Dam on September 24th; and the Lamar Invitational held at the Lamar Country Club.

For Sheldon, Nic Pitcock ran the varsity 5-kilometer at all three meets. At Stockton, Pitcock clocked a time of 22:05; Hermitage 22:24. In Lamar, Pitcock ran his personal best time of 20:45. Sheldon's Austin Bupp also ran the 5K junior varsity events at all three meets. Bupp had a time of 45:23 at Stockton, and 43:32 at Hermitage (his second best overall time since staring this sport). At Lamar, he ran his overall personal best time, clocking a 37:30.

"I am extremely pleased with overall improvements in both time and endurance at these past three meets," first-year Sheldon cross country coach Mike Galimberto said, adding, "the Stockton and Hermitage meets were the toughest by far for them.

"Our practices have ramped up as well, as we are preparing for the district meet later in October, including weight training and longer run distances for both athletes."

More recently, the Panthers have competed at the Montrose Invitational followed by the Pleasanton (Kan.) Invitational meet.

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