Youth Basketball Academy a big hit

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Nevada Tiger head varsity boys basketball coach, Shaun Gray, goes over instruction with Youth Basketball Academy camp attendee, Steven Zachery, Nov. 10 at Wynn Gym. (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)

By all accounts the recently concluded Nevada Tigers second annual Youth Basketball Academy for third through sixth-grade boys was a major success.

With six camp sessions running over the course of three weeks, turnout for the Youth Academy was excellent, with a high number of attendees present at Nevada High School's Wynn Gymnasium. The camp, which focused on (team) defensive skills and (team) offensive concepts, was designed for those participating on competitive traveling basketball teams.

Defensively, camp participants were drilled on man-to-man defensive fundamentals ---- while learning the terminology and expectations of Nevada Tiger defense.

Offensively, camp attendees practiced attacking the defense in a read and react motion offense.

"We feel like these academies are very beneficial to our youth players and coaches," NHS varsity boys head coach Shaun Gray said. "It helps build a foundation of knowledge and expectation that can be built upon, as the young men progress upward throughout the program."

Gray continued, "Our hope is to have more savvy and skilled players come through the program year-in and year-out as we continue to build."

Not only was Gray pleased with the large player turnout, but he came away impressed with the coaches who assisted.

"Many of the (area) youth coaches assisted the high school coaches in facilitating the camp and were very valuable assets," he said.

Gray said he looks forward to continuing the Youth Basketball Academy for many years to come.

"It was another great academy with very good numbers and tremendous parent support," he said. "The future of Nevada Tiger basketball is very bright, and we are looking forward to a fun season of watching these youth compete."

Shaun Gray and Youth Basketball Academy attendees gather for one final huddle at the conclusion of the three week camp, Nov. 10 at Wynn Gym. (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)

Nevada opens its regular season Nov. 22 at home against the St. Pius X Warriors.

Nevada Tigers head varsity basketball coach, Shaun Gray, gives instruction to sixth-graders Steven Zachary and Tayvin Moore (right). (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)
Fifth-grader Henry Campbell participates in a dribbling drill at the Tiger Youth Hoops Academy. (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)
Brandon Herren (left) and Tayvin Moore show off their fresh long-sleeve Nevada Tiger basketball duds. (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)
Fifth-grader Brayden Gast hones his dribbling skills. (Photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)
Camp attendees scrimmage Nov. 10 at Wynn Gym during the final session of the Nevada Tigers second annual Youth Basketball Academy. (photo by Matt Resnick/Daily Mail)
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