Youth task force receives award

Friday, February 10, 2017
Jodie McNeley, Nevada R-5 assistant superintendent (right), presents the Friend of Education Apprieciation Award to Dr. Trisha Bridgewater, local psychiatrist and chair of the Vernon County Youth Task Force. Nominated by NcNeley, the award was given by the Southwest Center for Educational Services, an organization providing training and promoting education in southwest Missouri. In presenting the award, McNeley spoke of the great partnership which exists between the school district and the youth task force. Johannes Brann/Daily Mail

At its Jan. 25 meeting, the Vernon County Youth Task Force received an award, reviewed the recently held Respect Others Conference, and heard about plans for upcoming cigarette butt pick-up and Father-Daughter Dance.

A Celebration of Schools is one of the three annual events sponsored by the Southwest Center for Educational Excellence. This event recognizes accomplishments by member districts and presents awards recognizing innovating programs.

The Nevada R-5 School District nominated the VCYTF for recognition. At the January meeting, R-5 assistant superintendent, Jodie McNeley, presented the Friend of Education Appreciation Award, to VCYTF represented by Dr. Trisha Bridgewater, task force chair.

Bridgewater paid tribute to the partnership the task force has with the R-5 district and reminded all present, "This group is about empowering young people to be leaders such as we have here from Nevada and Sheldon."

This provided a segue into a review of the Jan. 20 Respect Others Conference at Nevada High School where 36 selected young people learned about and discussed the causes and effects of bullying. This was organized by NHS's Youth Enrichment Services committee

Students from Nevada, Sheldon, Bronaugh and Butler heard 30-minute presentations in breakout sessions by Nevada Police Chief, Casey Crain; licensed psychologist, Catherine Hissink; Healthy Nevada, Kelly Ast, psychiatrist, Dr. Tricia Bridgewater along with a separate one by district 126 Rep. Patricia Pike.

Madeline Garrett, the Respect Others project leader, recognized her project co-workers, Braydee Gaines and Felicity DeSpain and spoke about the strengths of the conference and possible improvements for next year.

Nevada school counselor, Tom Geeding paid tribute to Garrett and her committee along with Louise Lunkenheimer, culinary arts instructor, along with her students who prepared a hearty lunch and to the Missouri Association of Community Task Forces, which provided the grant for the T-shirts given to each participant.

Healthy Nevada Community Coordinator, Kelly Ast, informed and solicited the group's support for an effort to increase awareness about people smoking outside businesses and dropping cigarette butts. While wearing gloves, volunteers will collect the butts, which will be placed in a glass container and used during a presentation before a future meeting of the Nevada City Council.

Aaron Rhoads, recreation programmer at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center, talked about the fifth annual Father/Daughter Dance that was held Feb. 4, from 6 to 8 pm at the community center. The Nevada Parks and Recreation Department hosted this.

Rhoads spoke of how this will be an opportunity for dads or a favorite male role model to show their little girls how it feels to be a princess. Girls of all ages are welcome.

The cost of a ticket is $5 for a father and as many daughters as he wants to bring.

"Last year, there were about 600 people on hand, which is about capacity," said Rhoads. "So if people are planning to attend, we really encourage them to purchase tickets ahead because there may not be any at the door."

Plans are underway for a series of three powder puff football games on Saturday, April 29. One game would be seniors and juniors, a second between sophomores and freshmen with the third one between the winners in order to determine a champion.

The event will be held at Twin Lakes Park and members of VCYTF volunteered to provide concessions.

Recognition was given to Sheldon R-8 school counselor, Jennifer Smith and students Zachary Garren and Nici Hites, who were on hand for the meeting and who are trying to form their own school youth coalition.

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