Library looking at upgrade

Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Nevada Public Library is planning to do some remodeling to its building and make the current maker space into a multi-purpose facility.

Library director Jodie Polk told the library board during its February meeting Thursday afternoon, that their architect has presented a very preliminary floor plan, but by the time a finished plan is ready, and bidding done, it will probably five or six months before any construction begins.

Polk said that the area will continue be used for the maker space, as well as other uses.

During the construction, she said that portion of the building would be made to comply with the ADA requirements. According to notes on the preliminary plan from the architect, the ramp on the entrance to the space will be left, since it probably can not be improved, even though it does not meet ADA requirements.

New insulated windows will also be installed to reduce or eliminate the sweating.

Other work recommended by the architect is to remove all the flooring in the maker space and lay new carpet, install modern LED lighting, make the restroom ADA compliant.

The drawing the board saw Thursday has not been seen or approved by the city, but Polk told the board the architect has talked to the city building inspector and if the board approves it the plan will be reviewed with the city before the architect proceeds with the design.

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