K-9 gets body armor

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Rogue, the Vernon County Sheriff's office K-9, has received a bullet and stab protective vest thanks to a charitable donation from the non-profit organization, Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc. Each vest has a sponsor and Rogue's is embroidered with "A gift from The Colt Project -- Gastonia, NC".

Rogue, a Labrador cross, was obtained in the summer of 2016.

Through donations, Vested Interest in K-9s has provided over 2,400 protective vests, through donations, at a cost of over 1.9 million dollars. All vests are custom made by Armor Express in Central Lake, Mich.

Each vest costs just over $1,000, weighs 4-5 pounds and has a five-year warranty. There are about about 30,000 law enforcement K-9s in the United States.

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