Recovery Court graduate No. 99

Friday, May 26, 2017
Tuesday morning, Senior Circuit Judge, James Bickel, presents Kizzi Pace with her certificate as the 99th graduate of the Vernon County Adult Recovery Court, before a full circuit courtroom. Said Bickel, “Among our graduates, Kizzi completed the program in the third fastest time, just 525 days.” On the table is a bag containing a handmade prayer shawl which had been presented by Mary Ireland, on behalf of the United Methodist Women’s group in Nevada. Said Bickel, “Like dropping a stone in a pond, the positive ripples which have come from your sobriety, Kizzi, include regaining custody of your children, restored relations with your family – many of whom are here cheering you on – and becoming a positive influence on so many around you.” Besides there being present a good number of family, several program alumni and current program participants were also present. The last official act of the ceremony was Bickel’s reading of court documents from 28th Circuit Judge, David Munton, who, on the recommendation of the Vernon County Prosecutor, dismissed the one drug possession and two probation charges against Pace. All gathered enjoyed a punch and cookie reception. The previous evening, Bickel had presided over a ceremony for graduate number 41 in Cedar County. The 28th Judicial Circuit is in the top ten of counties with recovery court graduates and is fast becoming a leader in the mental health recovery court as well.
Johannes Brann/Daily Mail

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