More than 140 teams show for Deerfield cattle sorting

Saturday, June 17, 2017
Deerfield was the place to be last Saturday night, as 142 teams showed up for the bi-weekly Buckle Series cattle sorting competition, which shifted from Sunday afternoon to Saturday evening, beginning on June 10. The Open (adult) division fielded 108 teams, while the Youth division had 34 teams competing. Claiming first place in the Open division, was the team of Kenny Maffei and Keegan Jones, while Kiera Stafford and Brian Henderson continued their dominant run in the Youth division, Pictured: Youth division competitor Liam Walbourn, riding his trusted equine Cadillac, displays his cattle sorting skills June 10 in Deerfield.
Teresa Meek-Klumpp/Special to the Daily Mail

Haley Stone and Madison Meek navigate through the dust-filled air, as the youth tandem look to round-up some cattle during Saturday evening’s competition in Deerfield.
Teresa Meek-Klumpp/Daily Mail
Kiera Stafford, pictured above, placed first in the youth division.
Teresa Meek-Klumpp/Daily Mail
Roper Shaner competes in Buckle Series competition.
Teresa Meek-Klumpp/Daily Mail
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