Rude diners disrupt pleasant evening
Dear Editor:
To the large group that was having a dinner/drunken party at a local restaurant in Nevada, the night of June 18. Who were seated in the East room of the restaurant on that Friday night. Your behavior was appalling and very rude, and to think you and your group thought you were so privileged that you never noticed what problems you all created and the people you disrespected by your rude behavior and out of control actions. You owe a public apology to all the other patrons that night and more directly to the waitress and staff who were doing their best in spite of your very rude behavior you should be ashamed of yourselves.
As far as the restaurant goes, I talked to a part owner “Name with held” and was told the issue had been discussed and it amounted to the waitress having a bad day, Oh really? Do you have a policy that protects your employees, and your patrons from such a rude and obnoxiousness bunch of fools? If not, why not?
As far as the rude group goes I hope you tipped well, but somehow, I don’t think that happened. The restaurant in question is one of our favorites in Nevada and we visit often and will continue to do so.
Dave Dambrosio
Stockton, Mo.