Upgrades: Sheldon R-8 refurbishes gym floor

Sheldon High School’s freshly refurbished gym floor is, without a doubt, sharp.
The school district sub-contracted with Acme Floor Company of Kansas City for the project, estimated to cost $15,000, with the new look featuring an oversized Panther (mascot) logo at center court. The Panther logo is the school’s newest design.
“I think the floor looks great, and is a definite upgrade from what we had,” said Jason Irwin, Sheldon R-8 superintendent.
Acme completed the painting last week, having started the project a week prior. They first sanded the floor down to the bare wood, removing the lacquer, and then added two coats of paint.

The court makeover also consisted of the word “Sheldon,” painted in black, on both sides of the floor at a 45 degree angle from each other
“That gives it a little bit extra flare,” said Sheldon R-8 PE teacher and basketball coach Joel McDuffey.
In addition, the free throw lanes were painted Chicago Bulls red, and the volleyball lines white. Previously the free throw lane area was matched with the bare wood floor.
“They just finished up with the top coats, and it should be ready for use in a few weeks,” noted McDuffey.
McDuffey said he is pleased with the work done by Acme Floor.
“I think it looks great, they did a fantastic job,” he said. “It had been so long since the old floor had been sanded down, all that lacquer crystallized over time and it turned it into a wooded, dark color.”
McDuffey continued: “Now it’s a really nice, light colored wood, and it brightens everything up because it’s able to reflect all of the light off it. The lighting in the gym is bright, and this makes it really inviting. I think it’s one of the nicest courts (in Vernon County), along with Northeast Vernon County, and rivals (Nevada High’s) Wynn Gym.”
McDuffey, a new hire to the district, said he came in late on the project, but provided input regarding the free throw lanes being painted red.
“I told (Irwin) I thought it would be cool to have the lanes painted red, and have an oversized mascot logo,” he said.
Aside from the fresh look, the new surface will provide student-athletes with improved traction.
“The new floor will be a hundred times better,” said McDuffey, who was familiar with the court, having previously coached at conference-rival NEVC.
“They did a good job of up-keep, but it was such an old floor that the last couple of years it was like playing on a skating rink, it was so slick. Now, they’re going to have ultimate grip, because it’s brand new. They won’t have to compensate for sliding whenever they stop.”

McDuffey had a busy summer, as he also spent time helping to refinish the Sheldon elementary classroom floors.
The first event held in the new digs is slated for Sept. 1, when the Lady Panthers volleyball team welcomes in NEVC for a match. In addition, Sheldon is hosting the Golden Valley Vernon County volleyball tournament.
Lady Panthers home VB schedule

• Sept. 1: NEVC, 5:30 p.m.
• Sept. 5: Golden City, 6 p.m.
• Sept. 19: Hume, 5
• Oct. 8: GVVC tournament, times TBA
• Oct. 9: Miami, 5
• Oct. 12: Bronaugh, 5