Lady Tiger youth hoops camp just around the corner

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Brent Bartlett’s annual Nevada Lady Tiger Basketball Camp for grades second through fifth is on tap for May 7-10 at Wynn Gymnasium. The Monday through Thursday camp will take place from 3:30-5 p.m.

Bartlett, the Lady Tigers’ head varsity basketball coach, along with his coaching staff and current players will be on hand for the camp.

“After a successful 2017-18 basketball season, we are anxious to start off our upcoming year with an exciting, informative week of camp, which will involve important basketball fundamentals and skills,” Bartlett said in a press release.

“The camp will highlight individual and group drills in areas such as dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, teamwork, as well as other important skills. All participants will receive a camp T-shirt, as well as a chance to win daily contests and prizes.”

The press release continued: “The coaching staff will also select a “Camper of the Day” for each of the grade second through fifth. The staff wants to welcome future and current players in our program to attend. We believe this camp is an important part of teaching players the skills they need to continue the great success our girls have had.”

Registration forms are available at Nevada High School. For camp fees and additional registration information, contact Brent Bartlett at 417-843-3586, or on his cell phone at 417-667-1783. In addition, Bartlett can be reached via email @

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