
Friendly acts

Friday, May 4, 2018

The first act of friendship I would like to mention is my daughter Shirley who does my typing so that I can continue my weekly columns. My head is full of thoughts for columns but my hands and fingers will not go. Shirley takes my dictation so I can keep on even at my age. Thank you Shirley.

It is no surprise that my next thoughts go to those who have helped me in my love for cats. Earlier I wrote to you about losing Buttercup because my doctor felt it was dangerous to have this frisky sweetheart when I even can’t walk steadily with my walker. My niece Dr. Ruth Massey had secured this calico and also was able to take her to her own home even though she already had two cats. She has sent numerous pictures that shows the kitties contentment at Ruth’s home. Thank you Ruth.

After reading that story in the newspaper another cat lover wrote to me about her story and she delivered in person a darling yellow regal looking cat statue and a bouquet of yellow flowers to ease my loneliness. Now this little statue keeps me company and reminds me of the thanks due to another cat lover.

It is very pleasant to have visitors come to my nice apartment. It is especially nice when they bring a piece of pie from the potato day sale to support the Habitat for Humanity goals for still another house. Thank you Nadine Kilmer and others from local churches.

I recently bought a set of hearing aids and have spent some time reading the instruction book on what care these hearing aids need but I have been clumsy in putting them in and taking them out. As I was walking down the hall at Morningside one of the aids fell into the basket of my walker. Two of the employees saw the problem I was in, but a pretty, young assistant saved my new aid and then proceeded to securely put the aid back in my ear. Thank you busy young assistant for helping me out.

My next thank you goes to anyone who can and will drive politely, that makes it safer to drive on the highways.

A big thank you goes to all the medical professionals that are combining in my care, I could name Doctor Cooper, Doctor Turner, Morningside staff, Heartland Hospice and my two sons and two daughters.

One thing I have noticed is that the patients respond quicker and need less care when their caregivers use gentle words and appear to be concerned. Thankfully I have received such care.

I am talking as if we all have ailments but if we all used friendly acts in dealing with each other there would not be as much need for these medical helpers, so as we receive care we first must remember that it is the responsibility of each of us.

My boarded out Buttercup and her replica, that I see daily, are working hard to perform friendly acts to everyone.