Oktoberfest draws large crowd despite cold weather
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Paula Newman sings during her set at Oktoberfest on Saturday.
Despite temperatures dipping low in the early morning hours, Oktoberfest was well-attended on Saturday, Oct. 13. United Way of Vernon County hosted the event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and included live music, games for kids, business booths, a Chili Cook-off, and concessions.

First place winners of the Chili Cook-off at the annual Oktoberfest hosted by United Way of Vernon County Saturday were (above) Astville to Bondville (chefs were Derek Ast and Jeff Bond).

Second place winners of the Chili Cook-off were (above) First Christian Church (chefs were Greg and Mindy Barneburg with assistance from the First Christian Church Youth).

Third place winners of the Chili Cook-off were (at left) Empire/Liberty Utilities Gas Fireballs (chefs were Bob Bowen, Jody Merando and Brayden Russell).
This is also the 26th year that Bob Bowen has participated in the Oktoberfest Chili Cook-off. His two children, Tony and Tracy also participate most years, but were unable to do so this year.