Wray and Brockman appointed to the Planning Commission

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Mayor Brian Leonard presents to Kyle Cushard a proclamation declaring February 3-9 “Thank a Farmer Week.”
Photo by Kelly Key | Daily Mail

Nevada’s City Council met in regular session on Tuesday evening with council members Ryan Watts, Blake Hertzberg, Dr. Carol Gallagher, Lyndon Eberhard and Mayor Brian Leonard in attendance. Also present were City Manager JD Kehrman, City Attorney Bill McCaffree, Treasurer Kristie Modlin and City Clerk Johnna Williams.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation and roll call, Mayor Leonard presented a Proclamation for “Thank a Farmer Week” to local farmer Kyle Cushard. The proclamation honors agriculture producers by joining Missouri Farm Bureau in declaring February 3-9 “Thank a Farmer Week.”

In old business, the council authorized on second reading payment from the Nevada Tourism Fund to the Vernon County Historical Society for marketing, advertising and promotions in the amount of $5,610; and payment from the same fund to the Nevada Griffon Board of Directors for marketing, advertising and promotions in the amount of $7,500.

The council appointed Janet Wray and Richard Brockman to the Planning Commission. Wray is to replace Jim Erpenbach and Brockman is to replace John Flynn. Both terms will expire in November 2022.

The Neptunes will be granted the use of the Walton Pool at the Walton Aquatic Center, 400 West Atlantic, for the 2019 season - May 28 through August 2, 2019 under the terms set forth in the agreement.

Nevada Little League Football will be granted the use of the Little League Football Field at the Twin Lakes Sports Complex for the 2019 season, from August 1 through October 31 under the terms set forth in the agreement.

Long-term Care Board President George Knox updated to the council regarding the NRMC request for another $1,000,000 after discussing with the Board. He stated they understand the city has the authority and that it would leave LTC with around $700,000 in reserves and that LTC and NRMC are two great facilities for the city of Nevada. Details of the ordinance for the transfer are still being worked out and the issue was not on the agenda.

Council entered closed session for reasons in accordance with Section 610.021 RSMo., Subparagraph (3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.

The following will be covered in Friday’s edition of the Nevada Daily Mail:

• The public hearing on the city’s public transportation program for 2019/2020

• Cottey College Leadership Class student presentation of findings from the recent “Creating a Better Nevada” event and Pastor Chris Deines request to the council consider creating a Community Development Commission

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