That’s a wrap: Tiger middle school teams close out schedule at Wild West tourney

Saturday, February 16, 2019
Nevada Tiger eighth-grader, Gage Miller, looks to score from close-range during a January. 10 contest at Wynn Gym.
Matt Resnick | Daily Mail

The Nevada Middle School seventh and eighth-grade basketball teams put the finishing touches on their respective seasons, with both competing at the Wild West basketball tournaments. The Nevada eighth-grade team, aided by Drew Beachler’s buzzer-beating bank-in three-pointer to force the fifth-place game into overtime, knocked off McDonald County, 41-38, in double overtime Thursday in Carthage. The victory wrapped Nevada’s campaign at 10-5 overall. The NMS seventh-grade Tigers, meanwhile, were upended at the other Wild West tourney, in Anderson — falling to host McDonald County, 41-36, in the third-place game Thursday evening. The seventh-grade Tigers closed out their season, 8-7 overall.

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