City of Sheldon to receive SCEAP Grant

Friday, March 15, 2019

Sheldon’s Board of Aldermen met in a short regular session Thursday evening with all members present. Mayor Rob Sewell called the meeting to order and the agenda, January minutes and treasurer’s report were approved as presented.

City Clerk Becky Morgan informed the board she had received word from DNR earlier in the day that the city was approved for a Small Community Engineering Assistance Program (SCEAP) grant in the amount of $39,000 to evaluate the city’s wastewater system improvements. In January, the board chose Professional Engineering Consultants to perform the study.

Park Board President Beverly Dockery announced a Meet the Candidates event to be held on March 27 at the Donaldson Center at 7 p.m. Voters will pick two of the three candidates,

Beverly Dockery, Robert Moran and Debbie Huggins, to serve as aldermen for two-year terms.

Morgan reported that the well and water system was inspected on Jan. 29 and the city is in compliance, although there are a few issues that still need to be resolved.

Prior to entering closed session, Alderman Lois Levaugh, who is not seeking re-election, thanked the board for their support during the past four years. Mayor Sewell thanked Levaugh for her four years of service.

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