Long-Term Care board hears updates

Friday, September 27, 2019

The long-term care board of directors met for their September meeting on Wednesday with Jenise Burch presiding. The board approved bids and heard updates on the recent survey and financials.

Barone passed a revisit from surveyors. Moore-Few submitted their plan of correction for three tags received as a result of their recent survey.

Moore-Few Administrator Angela Barrett reported they are preparing for Dr. Lovinger’s retirement by sending letters informing patients of the event. They are also providing a list of doctors in the area to help find a replacement doctor.

The Moore-Few office renovation project is plugging along. The project includes air-conditioning, furniture, flooring and ceiling tiles. The board approved expenditures for the project.

Of two bids received for the Barone chiller repair, the lowest bid was approved.

Brittany Schenker reviewed financials. She reported net operating revenue below budget by $28,779 for August. Salaries were above average for the month and for the year. Overtime due to staff turnover and orientation and training hours were contributing factors.

Supplies are under budget and continue to be trialed to find the best quality/cost ratio.

Schenker also reported, “The patient activity level as measured in resident days for both facilities for the month totaled 3,521 compared to a budget of 3,472. Average daily census combined totaled 113.6 versus the budget of 112. Net operating revenue reported below budget by $28,973 and expenses reported above budget by $32,265. Net operating loss reported at $49,630 which is below budget by $61, 238. After non-operating income is added, the net loss for the combined facilities is $48,847, which is below budget by $61,230.”

Back in 2017, LTC received a $5 per day rate reduction and challenged the rate decrease. Along with 334 other facilities, they joined a class action lawsuit seeking a portion of those monies. During a conference call, the law firm suggested settlement for 37 percent of the total dollar amount. Barrett gave a tentative “yes” vote, pending the agreement of the board. Following discussion, the board agreed.

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