Flannel Fest a success, despite rain

Tuesday, October 8, 2019
The 2nd Annual Flannel Fest was held Saturday at Marmaduke Park in Nevada. The event is sponsored by Nevada Parks and Recreation. With the threat of rain looming overhead, the event still garnered a large crowd in the morning. The Timberworks Lumberjack Show (pictured above) was well-attended. The crowd cheered on the two competing lumberjacks as their skills were put to the test.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail

A crowd favorite event of Flannel Fest was the DockDogs. DockDogs is a swimming competition for dogs with them being judged on three disciplines — Big Air, Extreme Vertical, and Speed Retrieve. Big Air is a "long jump" for dogs in which the dog jumps off the dock into the water after a throw toy (pictured at left). Speed Retrieve is a timed event and Extreme Vertical is a "high jump" for dogs.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail
As seen in this aerial drone shot, a crowd begins to gather for the lumberjack show at Flannel Fest on Saturday morning.
Photo courtesy of Brayden Wilson | Air Force JROTC Drone Class
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