'Dig for a Cure' night at Wynn Gym
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jeanette Hawkins applies face-paint in the design of a unicorn to El Dorado Springs third-grader, April Riessen. The festivities were part of Dig for a Cure (Dig Pink) night — in conjunction with the Nevada Lady Tiger volleyball team, Vernon County Cancer Relief, and Relay for Life — Tuesday evening at Wynn Gymnasium. Proceeds from the event went in support of Kinley "Roo" Compton, a local youth battling a serious illness. Face-paint photos from Tuesday evening can be shared on Kinley's Facebook page — "Kinley's Courage."
Photo by Matt Resnick | Daily Mail

Vernon County Cancer Relief representatives Jamie Ventellman (left) and Pudge Butler (right) are joined by Nevada High School freshmen volleyball players Abbey Heathman and Maddy Majors — as the NHS volleyball team, VCCR, and Relay for Life joined forced Tuesday night at Wynn Gym to raise money for a good cause.
Photo by Matt Resnick | Daily Mail