Drury sets bar high for growing middle school grappler program

Friday, November 8, 2019
The 2019-20 Nevada Middle School wrestling team, poses for a group picture prior to Friday's practice.
Photo by Matt Resnick | Daily Mail

Second-year Nevada Middle School head wrestling coach Forrest Drury is eagerly anticipating the upcoming season, as his program has more than doubled the number of student-athletes out from a year ago.

"I'm excited for this year," Drury told the Daily Mail prior to Friday's practice. "We have a lot of eighth-graders back that were with us last year as seventh-graders, and a lot of new seventh-graders who came out for the first time. (In addition), several seventh-graders who have been doing our club program."

Added Drury: "I think we have a lot of kids who have a good shot at doing well in the conference tournament at the end of the year."

Drury said he's looking forward most to seeing the overall strides his club makes from day one of practice until the end of the season.

"Last year, guys did a great job with that," he said. "They improved throughout the year, and worked really hard. All of our guys came away with at least one win on the season last year. So, hoping that we can continue building and improving. And, hoping that we can finish the year better than we start the year. And, hopefully, we start on a high-note."

Currently, 43 seventh and eighth-grade student-athletes are out for the team.

"I'm hoping we can keep that many, kids are excited about it," Drury noted, as Nevada opens its campaign Nov. 18 in Pittsburg, Kansas.

Entering the season, the Tiger middle school squad is headlined by returnees Kynndrick Brooks, Blake Woods, Henry Campbell, and Tyler Longobardi.

"Those are some guys that have been wrestling for a while, and been (on the club team)," Drury noted.

Drury discussed the strengths of his team.

"We're going to have a lot of guys who are good on their feet — as far as looking for double-leg take-downs," he said. " I talk to them a lot about being in control of the match, pressing the offense. The best defense is a good offense."

Drury continued: "I've really been impressed with some things we're doing on the mat, as far as from the bottom position — escapes. I hope that we're able to get out from bottom. In the drills, we've being seeing a lot of improvement this week. And, we haven't spent as much time on our pinning combinations yet, but last year that was a good strength. We had a couple guys who knew how to finish matches, and put em away."

Drury said this year's team motto is to be "responsible, disciplined, respectful, and encouraging men and women (representing) the NMS wrestling club."

"I think that is something that is not only going to help them be better wrestlers, but better in the future, wherever life takes them," Drury said.

The team motto is already paying dividends for Drury's crew.

"Several of my wrestlers in the student-section at last night's middle school basketball game, without me even saying anything, I noticed after the game they were picking up trash (throughout the gym). It was really cool to see that, and to see how they're buying-in (to the team motto). It speaks to who they are this year, and I'm really proud of them."

Once the middle school season concludes, Drury resumes his duties as an assistant coach with the Nevada High wrestling team.

"I work pretty closely with them," Drury began. "We try to do a lot of the foundation moves, basic moves. My goal is to get them a good base-knowledge, a good foundation, so that when they get to high school they can just keep building off it."

A native of Minnesota, Drury moved to the area after accepting a track scholarship to Southwest Baptist University, where he primarily competed in the pole vault. Drury also played on the football team his freshman year.

After graduating in 2016 with a degree in Social Science Education, Drury was quickly offered a position at NMS, where he teaches eighth-grade American History. In addition to his coaching duties with the middle school and high school wrestling teams, Drury is an assistant coach of defensive backs on the NHS football team. Drury stays busy during the spring as well as a member of the track-and-field coaching staff.

Nevada Middle School head wrestling coach Forrest Drury, demonstrates proper technique during Friday afternoon's practice session.
Photo by Matt Resnick | Daily Mail

"It's been great here," Drury said. "I really enjoy working with all the other teachers. (The students) really keep me on my toes, and I enjoy building relationships with them."

Summed up Drury: "I've really enjoyed building the wrestling program the last couple of years, and being involved in track and football."


Note: Home matches in bold

• Nov. 18: Pittsburg (Kan.)

• Nov. 19: McDonald County/Neosho tri-match, 5:30 p.m.

• Nov. 21: Adrian/Harrisonville tri-match, 5:30 p.m.

•Nov. 25: South Joplin/North Joplin/East Joplin invite

• Dec. 3: Carl Junction/Seneca tri-match

• Dec. 5: Cassville/North Joplin tri-match

• Dec. 7: Seneca Tournament

• Dec. 9: Webb City

• Dec. 14: Big 8 Conference Tournament

Check back with the Daily Mail for your No. 1 source on Nevada Middle School wrestling

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