City of Nevada takes measures to ensure safety of citizens
During the Tuesday evening Nevada City Council meeting, technical difficulties with the live feed prevented some listeners from hearing the final resolution to be considered — Resolution No. 1557. This resolution authorizes the City Manager to implement emergency protocols to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Nevada during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Daily Mail reached out to Interim City Manager Mark Mitchell for clarification on what the resolution entailed.
“What that allows the City of Nevada to do is accept funding, grants, or Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) from state and federal agencies, otherwise they would have to go through a process that would require council approval,” stated Mitchell. “By streamlining that process, the council still is kept in the 'know' about what is being offered out there, but we can accept it without going through a lot of time through council meetings, etc. On top of that, it kind of loosens the restrictions to allow the City Manager to control the budget a little better and reappropriate funds for emergency situations.” An example of this would be authorizing the fire and police departments to go out and buy protective equipment to retrofit city facilities with sanitation and safety precautions.
In addition, the City of Nevada has also been offering free use of their public transportation until further notice. Only essential trips to access healthcare, pharmacies, groceries, and work are provided. No cash or coupons are needed. The hours of operation have temporarily changed to the following: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Tuesdays from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. No weekend rides will be available. Additional cleaning and seat coverings are in place to safeguard riders and drivers from the outbreak of coronavirus. “We did retrofit our taxi cab with a plexiglass shield between the driver and the passenger to protect both of them,” noted Mitchell. To schedule a ride, call (417) 448-5500.
Mitchell took a moment to acknowledge those who have taken the pandemic seriously with precautionary measures. “First and foremost, I'm very proud of the citizens of Vernon County and Nevada for taking proactive steps during this crisis,” stated Mitchell. “We have seen new innovations in the way people conduct business. We have seen really proactive steps with people taking time off from their businesses to protect them and their loved ones and the people that visit them on a daily basis for commerce. I'm really grateful for everyone taking this seriously and protecting themselves as well as protecting others.”
In closing, the Daily Mail asked Mitchell what advice or tips he would give citizens during this trying time. “I would quote a scripture to be completely honest with you,” stated Mitchell. “And that is 'To love your neighbor as yourself.' Look out for your fellow man and take care of yourself individually; reach out to your loved ones; help those in need; and comply with social distancing. Don't have more than 10 people gathering in one place. Wash your hands and if your sick, stay home. Not only for the benefit of yourself, but the ones who are around you.”