Vernon County Health Department addresses concerns surrounding COVID-19 testing

In response to concerns in regards to COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) testing in Vernon County, the Daily Mail reached out to the Vernon County Health Department for more information.
The following are questions posed by the Daily Mail and answered by Vernon County Health Department Nursing Supervisor Tasha Triplett, BSN RN.
Question: Do we have testing capabilites in Vernon County? Are there a shortage of tests?
Answer: "Yes, Vernon County has testing capabilities. People should contact their primary care provider for guidance on where they can be tested. I have been told by a few providers that test kits are limited, and in order to test through the State Public Health Lab the patient has to meet criteria set by the CDC. Providers are encouraged to receive approval from the CDC and send their test kits into the State Public Health Lab. Patients with questions about testing can also call the 24-hour hotline at (877) 435-8411 or visit the following link for more information:
Q: Where are the tests being sent for analysis? And what is the turnaround time on them?
A: "Tests are being sent to the State Public Health Lab as well as to other private labs. I am unaware of the turnaround times on the private lab specimens, but the State Public Health Lab has been getting results back in approximately 24 hours. (Depending on what time the specimen is sent off)."
Q: Have people been tested? If so, how many?
A: "Yes, there have been tests performed in Vernon County. We cannot state how many tests have been performed, due to not being notified of all tests performed. Labs are required to contact us with positive results, but negative results are not required to be sent to us, because they are not a reportable disease."
Q: What are some good tips/advice to follow to ensure slowing the spread of COVID-19?
A: "• If you can, stay home. If you have to be out, avoid crowds of more than 10 people and try to remain the social distancing of 6 ft apart. If shopping for necessities, if possible, only send one family member, try to refrain from the whole family going.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick
• Stay home when you are sick, if you feel that you need to be seen by a provider, please call your provider and receive guidance about if you need to be seen and where to go. Of course, if you are having difficulty breathing please go to the nearest Emergency Room.
• Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces."