City of Nevada to roll out issue reporting app Monday

Saturday, October 9, 2021

According to a release from Nevada City Manager Mark Mitchell, the City of Nevada will officially launch SeeClickFix on Monday, Oct. 11, 2021. SeeClickFix is an app and online platform that allows city residents to quickly and easily report issues to city government.

Residents are encouraged to visit to explore the SeeClickFix web portal and download the SeeClickFix app for their iOS or Android devices. Users can also download the app by searching for SeeClickFix in the Apple App Store and Google Play.

According to the release, "residents will now be able to quickly and easily report issues — from potholes to derelict vehicles to tall grass and trash issues. Residents will receive a speedy response from city government as issues are acknowledged and addressed."

“It will streamline our internal Code Enforcement operations ensuring that our hardworking staff is better able to respond to quality-of-life concerns throughout the city," noted Mitchell.

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