Nevada City Council approves several bids during Tuesday evening meeting
The Nevada City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening. At the top of the meeting Mayor George Knox read a proclamation recognizing the Alpha Delta Kappa Xi 71st anniversary.
In appointments to boards and commissions:
• Consideration of the appointment of Amber Williamson to the Housing Authority Commission, with a filing term expiring November 2025. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the appointment.
In consideration of bids:
• Bid from Leo M. Ellebracht for EW30 Extractor in the amount of $6,970. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the bid.
• Bid from JCI Industries, Inc. for repairs to a Flgyt Pump in the amount of $7,890. The City of Nevada followed standard procedures for securing a bid from JCI Industries Inc., of Joplin, Mo., for the repair of Flygt Pump at Waste Water Treatment Plant. Three qualified companies submitted bids and they included: JCI Industries, Inc., of Joplin, Mo. — $7,890; Independent Electric, of Kansas City, Mo. — $14,900; and Evans Enterprises, Inc., of Springfield, Mo. This resolution will approve the selection of JCI Industries, Inc., of Joplin, Mo., as the most qualified candidate and authorizes the City Manager to execute all documents for the repair of the Flygt Pump. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the bid.
• Bid from Ray Lindsey Company for Trojan UV parts for Waste Water Treatment Plant. The City of Nevada followed standard procedures for securing a bid from Ray Lindsey Co., of Belton, Mo., for the Trojan UV parts needed at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. One sole proprietor qualified company submitted a bid: Ray Lindsey Co., of Belton, Mo. — $9,442.50 plus labor. This resolution will approve the selection of Ray Lindsey Co., of Belton, Mo., as the most qualified candidate and authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations for the Trojan UV parts needed. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the bid.
In new business:
• Consideration of Bill No. 2021-071 a special ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the execution of an agreement with Strukel Electric, Inc. of Girard, Kan., for construction services. The bid includes repairs of runway lighting at the Nevada Municipal Airport. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council placed the bill on first reading.
• Consideration of Bill No. 2021-072 a special ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the execution of Change order No. 4 to the agreement with APAC-Central Inc. Change order No. 4 with APAC-Central includes a reduction in the amount of $84,011.91. This is due to final calculations of actual asphalt tonnage, linear feet of curb and gutter and square feet of milling. Estimated quantities provided in the April 2021 bid specifications were higher than actual amounts resulting in the reduction. With the reduction of $84,011.91, the final contact amount due to APAC-Central is $434,247.59. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council placed the bill on first reading.
• Consideration of Resolution 1590 – approving Fraternal Order of the Bears #548 Liquor License Application. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the resolution.
• Consideration of Resolution 1591– accepting insurance proceeds for repair of 2018 Freightliner Pumper Truck Number 212. On May 23, 2021, the Nevada Fire Department responded to a mutual aid call with the Deerfield Volunteer Fire Department for a structure fire. Pumper Truck 212 was responding and while crossing the railroad tracks at 1000 Road and Panama Road high centered on the railroad tracks causing damage to the underneath of the vehicle. An insurance claim was filed and the department received insurance proceeds in the amount of $23,644.60 which covered the cost of repairs and vehicle rental. Council approval is needed to document the acceptance of the insurance proceeds and authorize payment due to the amount being over $5,000. The insurance deductible for vehicle damage is $1,000. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the city council approved the resolution.
• Consideration of Resolution No. 1593 – accepting donations gathered from private individuals and local businesses for the purchase and maintenance of a trained police canine. The City of Nevada has received donations from private individuals and local businesses for the purchase and maintenance of a trained Police Canine and future Police training programs. With a motion, a second, and council members Eberhard, Knox, and Gallagher voting "yes" and Vickers voting "no," the resolution passed.