Nevada City Council tackles lengthy agenda

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Nevada City Council met in regular session Tuesday evening in the council's chambers. With many bids on the agenda as well as several unfinished, old, and new business items, the council set to work reviewing each item. See the Friday edition of the Nevada Daily Mail for further coverage, including results of council voting on items.

In consideration of bids:

• Consideration of Resolution No. 1603 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing payment for Public Works Skid-Steer Grapple for debris removal. Bids were solicited for 84" skid-steer grappler to be used for debris removal. The following bids were received: KC Bobcat of Springfield, Mo. — $5,934; Washburn of Lamar, Mo. — $5,500; Victor L. Phillips of Joplin, Mo. — $5,885; New Holland of Nevada, Mo. — $5,100; and Heartland Tractor of Nevada, Mo. — $6,900.

• Consideration of Resolution No. 1605 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing payment to Greenspro, Inc. for Frank E. Peters Municipal Golf Course Chemicals. Bids were sent out in October 2021 for 26 different chemicals which will be used on the grounds at the Frank E. Peters Golf Course in the 2022 Season. The City only received one bid from GreensPro, High Ridge, Mo., in the amount of $65,478.07. The City did receive a $4,243.40 discount for early order items for a total of $61,234.67.

• Consideration of Resolution No. 1608 a Resolution of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the City council to accept grant money for the Nevada Police Department from Missouri Department of Public Safety under the Officer of Safety Equipment and Technology Local Grant (OSET) to purchase fifteen (15) Avon C50 respiratory masks with filters for the uniformed patrol division from ABM Supply. LLC Lenexa, Mo. This equipment will replace existing respirator masks from 2004. The equipment being purchased is at or below State of Missouri contract pricing from ABM Supply/Ed Roehr Safety Products. This grant includes funds in the amount of $5,728.50 for the equipment purchase. There is no local match requirement for this grant.

• Consideration Resolution No. 1609 a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing Payment to Zach Erwin Construction, Inc. for Dumpster and Landfill fees for the demolition of 604 E. Sycamore. This resolution authorizes payment for dumpster and landfill fees for demolish of 604 E. Sycamore.

In unfinished


• Consideration of Bill No. 2022-007 an ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., approving the bid and authorizing the execution of a lease agreement for hay land located at 16370 E. Lady Road, between the City of Nevada, Mo., and Ron Amick. Bids were solicited for the lease of approximately 50 acres of hay land located at 16370 E. Lady Road (landfill). A notice to bidders was published and bid packets were mailed to previous bidders. The following bids were received: Rom Amick — $1,508.50; Gary Ashby — $1,500.07; Don Dighero — $616; Bill Miles — $502; Shane Balk — $501; and Brad Brandt — $500. This is a two-year lease beginning Feb. 1, 2022, and ending Dec. 31, 2024.

• Consideration of Bill No. 2022-008 an ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., approving the bid and authorizing the execution of a lease agreement for crop land located at 16370 E. Lady Road, between the City of Nevada, Mo., and Shane Balk. A notice to bidders was published and bid packets were mailed to previous bidders. The following bids were received: Shane Balk — $7,301; Justin Vickers — $7,100; Dan Mosher — $6,750; and Daniel Amick — $2,000. This is a two-year lease beginning Feb. 1, 2022, ending Dec. 31, 2024.

In old business:

• Consideration of Bill No. 2022-003 ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the execution of a Governmental Cooperative Contract with Vernon County and the Vernon County Assessor pertaining to assessments of real and personal properties within the corporate limits of Nevada, Mo., in conformity with Section 70.220 ET. SEQ. RSMo., 2010.

• Consideration for Bill No. 2022-004 an ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the execution of a governmental cooperative contract with Vernon County and the Vernon County.

• Consideration of Bill No. 2022-005 an ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the execution of a Governmental cooperative contract with the Vernon County Collector/Treasurer for the collection of City of Nevada Property taxes. The City of Nevada real estate and personal property taxes are included on the Vernon County tax statements. The agreement will authorize the Vernon County Treasurer to bill for real estate and personal property taxes on behalf of the City.

• Consideration of Bill No. 2022-009 a special ordinance of the City of Nevada, Mo., approving a depository services agreement for Governmental entities with US Bank authorizing check signers for the following account: General Operations.

In new business:

• A public hearing as regarding for consideration of a project partially funded by the Missouri Department of Transportation, pursuant to Section 5311 of Title 49, United States Code.

• Consideration of Resolution No. 1607 a Resolution of the City of Nevada, Mo., authorizing the City Council to execute a Missouri Highway Safety Program and the City Council authorization form for possible funding assistance for Traffic Enforcement. The Nevada Police Department participates in the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Traffic Safety Grant Program. MoDOT requires annual written authorization from the City Council to allow for the Police Department to begin the application process to pursue various traffic safety grants in the next fiscal year. Approval of this resolution will allow the City Council to execute this form. Grant applications to MoDOT will be accepted for those programs that incorporate education, enforcement and engineering efforts.

These programs are designed to produce reductions in fatalities and injuries resulting from motor vehicle crashes.

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