2022 Vernon County Youth Fair Rodeo wraps up with royalty coronation
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Prince Jason Spencer, Princess Bailey Shipley, Queen Lauren Sloniker, and King Kolton Bennett.
Photo by Lisa Hinkle | Daily Mail
The 2022 Vernon County Youth Fair Rodeo proceeded Friday and Saturday nights, and the crowd really enjoyed the participants in the all of the events — from saddle bronc riding to steer wrestling, barrel racing to team roping, and to bull riding.
In addition, there were little cowgirls and cowboys who got to participate in the sheep scramble competition, which the crowd thoroughly enjoyed.
Saturday evening brought the crowning of the Rodeo royalty. Winners included Queen Lauren Sloniker; King Kolton Bennett; Princess Bailey Shipley; and Prince Jason Spencer. This year’s Rodeo Company that provided the stock for the events was C.R. McKellips Rodeo Company, Inc. of Harwood, Mo.