11th Annual 4-H Reunion has large turnout Saturday afternoon
The Vernon County 4-H Alumni held their 11th Annual Reunion on Saturday in the Fair Diner at the Vernon County Fairgrounds.
Filling nearly every seat, the diner was packed full of 4-H members from multiple generations — past and present. The reunion serves as an opportunity to recognize select 4-H members for all they do to support the youth of Vernon County, and selected 4-H clubs and programs are invited to share information about their activities and accomplishments.
At this year's reunion, several 4-H alumni were recognized, including those receiving the Missouri 4-H Century Family Award. The award, sponsored by the 4-H Foundation, recognizes families with a long, sustaining involvement in the 4-H program. Missouri 4-H families with a combined total of 100 years or more of membership and/or volunteer service are eligible for recognition. Only direct-line family members are applicable (children, parents, and grandparents).
Five Vernon County families were recognized at the reunion with the Century Family Award. They included the families of Renee Hampton, Jennifer Thomas, Twila Earll, Deb Metcalf, and Harva Miller.
During the reunion, multi-generational 4-H families were also recognized. This distinction went to families with three or more generations participating in 4-H, with at least one generation being in Vernon County.
Jenise Burch received the Naomi Crouch 4-H Volunteer Leadership Award from the Missouri 4-H Foundation and was presented with a certificate during the reunion.
The Missouri 4-H Foundation established the Naomi Crouch 4-H Volunteer Leadership Award in 1990 to recognize exceptional volunteers and organizations that have made notable contributions to 4-H youth. The award is named in honor of Naomi Mohler Crouch in remembrance of her dedication to the youth of Missouri. Crouch served as a Missouri 4-H Foundation Trustee and Chair and was a Clay County parent and volunteer.
Annually, two individual volunteers and one organization are selected by the Missouri 4-H Foundation to receive the award. Nominees must have a minimum of five years of volunteer service to Missouri 4-H and have made an impact on the Missouri 4-H program. Burch was selected as one of the two individuals in the state of Missouri to receive the award. A $250 monetary award will be presented by the 4-H Foundation to G.R.O.W. (Goal Reward Opportunity Work Ethic) in Burch's honor.
For further information regarding the Missouri 4-H Century Family Award, contact Vicky Albright (vickyalbright@sbcglobal.net) or Phyllis Sprenkle (phyllis67@yahoo.com). To be recognized as a Vernon County Multi-generational 4-H Family, contact the 4-H Alumni group at vernoncounty4halumni@yahoo.com, or at "Vernon Co 4-H Alumni" on Facebook.
The G.R.O.W. program was also discussed during the reunion. The goal of the program is to increase the number of exhibitors and entries in the conference juding of non-livestock projects. It is sponsored by the Vernon County 4-H Alumni. To accomplish its goal, the program offers $25 gift cards or gift certificates to exhibitors selected as G.R.O.W. winners by the judges at conference judging.
The G.R.O.W. committee funds the gift cards and certificates to local businesses using donations from local supporters of the Vernon County Youth Fair. The program offers exhibitors the opportunity to support and work with a local business to grow in their project area. For more information regarding the G.R.O.W. program, contact Deb Ernsbarger at (417) 684-4933.
Timeline of 4-H in Missouri and locally
In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Land-Grant College Act, which established Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in all the states. Following this in 1914, 4-H began in Missouri. University Extension was established, which led to project clubs such as corn, clothing, and livestock.
In 1919, 4-H began in Vernon County. A Bronaugh banker financed a calf club and purchased 40 head of Holstein cattle, taking personal notes from 25 girls and boys. During the next decade, interest in the 4-H clubs fluctuated in number of clubs changing from one to 25, while membership moved from 25 to 146.
In 1927, "project clubs" officially became 4-H clubs. The 4-H pledge, emblem, and motto were adopted. The county clubs began at the following times:
• 1937 — Rinehart 4-H
• 1938 — Schell City 4-H
• 1940 — Walker 4-H
• 1943 — Clayton 4-H and Milo 4-H
• 1945 — Bronaugh 4-H
• 1947 — West Point 4-H
• The Vernon County Youth Fair began in 1946