NEVC School Board approves senior trip dates and location

Saturday, September 24, 2022
The Northeast Vernon County R-1 School Board met in regular session Thursday evening. Among items the board approved was the location and dates of the senior trip. The seniors will travel to Nashville, Tenn., from May 4 through May 8. In addition, prom was set for April 22 and graduation for May 13.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

The Northeast Vernon County R-1 School Board met in regular session Thursday evening.

The board's first item in new business was approving of a new bus radio system. The system would cost $5,568.68 for the installation and have an $1,920 annual fee. The board approved unanimously.

Next, the board approved of setting the prom date for Saturday, April 22. Superintendent Chris Holcomb explained that Friday, April 21, is a non-school day that will be utilized for decorating for the prom instead of during a school day, which can be distracting.

The board then had a motion and a second to set the graduation date. Graduation was proposed to be held on Saturday, May 13, at 6 p.m. The board unanimously approved.

The board then continued in new business items, approving of all them which included: setting the senior trip for May 4 through May 8, in Nashville, Tenn.; adopting new policies and regulations; approving out-of-state trips for FFA and FCCLA; increasing the daily sub pay rate from $75 to $85; and transferring CD 976694622 from Lime Bank to Metz Bank on Metz Bank on Oct. 20.

Superintendent Chris Holcomb also noted that the Junior High Pie Supper will be held on Friday, Oct. 21, with the meal being at 5 p.m. and the auction at 6 p.m.

After the Principals' and Superintendent's report, the board adjourned to an executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and discussing student matters at 7:25 p.m.

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