Festivities held for Nevada High School Homecoming

Saturday, October 1, 2022
Queen candidates for Nevada High School's 2022 Homecoming included seniors (left to right) Kylie Ast, Emma Leisure, Maddy Majors, and Hadley Fletchall.
Photo by Kaleb Vestal | Daily Mail

Following a week of "Spirit Days" at the district's schools, Nevada R-5 kicked-off Homecoming day with a parade at 1:30 p.m., Friday afternoon. The parade showcased various clubs' and organizations' support for the football team and culminated in a pep rally on the Vernon County Courthouse lawn.

The Nevada Tigers are scheduled to face off with and host the Cassville Wildcats on Logan Field for Friday evening's Homecoming game. Nevada goes into the game with a 4-1 record and 1-1 in conference play. Cassville is 3-2 and 1-2 in the Big 8 West.

Nevada High School’s Kylie Ast, escorted by Jeremy Rivas, was crowned 2022 Homecoming Queen before kickoff Friday night.
Photo by Kaleb Vestal | Daily Mail
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