NRMC Board of Directors approve items in special meeting Monday

The Nevada Regional Medical Center Board of Directors met in special session Monday afternoon at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center.
The board had five approval items to go over and consider.
Anglin explained the first item as a renewal of the agreement for Cyber Liability Insurance through Beazley. With a budget of $29,711 the cost has increased to $35,877. With a unanimous vote, the board approved the item.
Next, the board considered disaster recovery services. This vendor would assist with FEMA assistance and recovery. The board unanimously approved this item.
The board went on to also unanimously approve the next three items on the list: Community Hospital Consulting Agreement with a $60,000 cost; H.A.T. Workers Comp Insurance renewal at a cost of $384,982; and renewal of MHA and HIDI dues. The HIDI dues increased three percent, based on 2021 expenses. The total cost of the MHA and HIDI dues was $45,930.