Public hearings held at meeting of Board of Zoning Adjustment

Saturday, December 24, 2022
The Board of Zoning Adjustment met Wednesday evening and held a trio of public hearings.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

The City of Nevada Board of Zoning Adjustment met Wednesday evening with three public hearings and items for consideration on the agenda.

The board held a public hearing regarding the request for a variance from height regulations for the proposed site of the new elementary school, located in the 1500 block of North Ash Street. The board then considered a request for a variance from height regulations for a residential property zoned R-1, between Walton Park and Lyons Stadium. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the board approved the request.

Next, the board held a hearing and considered a request for a variance from minimum lot area per unit for a residential property zoned R-1, to allow for construction of a new home at 1239 N. Ash St. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the board approved the request.

Lastly, the board held a public hearing and considered a request for a variance from rear yard setback, a residential property zoned R-2, located south of 935 W. Hunter St., to allow for construction of a new home. With a motion, a second, and a unanimous roll call vote, the board approved the request.

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