Bronaugh Board of Aldermen discuss online water payments

The Bronaugh Board of Aldermen met in regular session Monday evening in the community building.
Beginning the meeting, Water/Wastewater Operator Derek Brown gave an update on pump issues and noted that a new alternator for the pumps would be arriving. He also added that $11.69 was spent on insulation during the recent cold spell. The board motioned, seconded, and approved covering this cost.
Street repairs were discussed and it was noted that $10,000 would be available for repairs this year, although more could be spent as long as it didn't make the road budget negative. Mayor Brad Cliffman added that he would like to see patch repairs and for streets used by buses to take priority.
The board discussed an issue of a dog that has been running loose in the city. Mayor Cliffman noted that letters had already been sent to the owner and noted that, beyond this, there was nothing the board could do. He voiced his concerns that a child may get hurt or bit if nothing is done by the onwers.
The board also motioned, seconded and approved to buy a new printer to go along with the recently purchased new computer. The current printer will not connect to the new computer because it is outdated.
In new business, Mayor Cliffman wanted to discuss the idea of letting city water customers pay their bill online. Currently, this is only available for people through their own personal online banking. Cliffman noted that the cost to outsource to have a website set up to accommodate would be very costly (estimated around $30,000) and could possibly be achieved by using grant money. It was also suggested that the city could maybe set up a Venmo or PayPal account for water customers to pay their bills to. After discussion, it was noted that this would have to be further researched to ensure that small towns are able to do so.
Closing out the meeting, new Bronaugh, Mo., resident Talitha Bunn addressed the board and passed out her resumé to offer services to help with setting up an official website for the city, or a social media page.