Bronaugh Board of Education votes positively to have 'transitional calendar' for 2022-2023 academic year

Friday, January 13, 2023
The Bronaugh Board of Education met Wednesday evening and voted to try a "transitional calendar" for the 2022-2023 school year. This calendar will have the students out of school every other Monday.
Photo by Lisa Hinkle | Daily Mail

The Bronaugh School Board meeting was called to order by President Ryan Linn on Wednesday evening, Jan. 11. Superintendent Ben O’Connor read a thank you card that the board received from the McGillen family.

The board turned the meeting over to a couple of the teachers, so they could report on how things are going in their classrooms for the year so far.

Preschool Teacher Julie Forkner reported that she has five boys and three girls in her class, and said that they are a pretty smart group of students. She continued by noting that the students should be where they need to be by the end of the year. She added that she continues to take them on field trips.

Forkner advised that she is always communicating with the students' parents regarding how their student is doing. She added that the students are going to start working on sight words this coming week, and their numbers and reading by the end of the year. Forkner noted that the students have a lot of fun in the classroom by singing, dancing, and putting puzzles together, in addition to the work that they do. The board approved of her report.

The next teacher to give a report was Parent As Teacher (PAT) Bailey Cliffman. She reported that she had to start from scratch with new students and families at the beginning of the school year and will be having new families start the program next Monday, Jan. 16.

Cliffman stated that she remodeled, repainted, and reorganized her office last summer, and that she had a "Splash Party" last summer; a Halloween Party in October; and a “Parents Night Out” last month for parents to bring their children while they went out to do their Christmas shopping. The board approved of her report.

The board resumed with their regular meeting and had guest speaker Technology Specialist Shane Balk. He reported to the board that he has had 157 tickets turned into him on technical matters that the school has had since last summer and have completed them. He advised that the testing on the Chromebooks is scheduled and he will be completing them.

Balk stated that he has been evaluating all of the vendors that provide services to the school (software, Chromebooks, cameras, fiber optic internet, projectors, security system, etc.), and has been working on a budget for the school for the next three years. The board was pleased and approved of his report.

In old business, O’Connor reported that the epoxy floors were all completed in the high school during Christmas break and took the board for a tour so they could see the work that had been done. The board was very pleased with the work and approved.

O’Connor brought to the table and showed the board two different print outs as to what two different calendars for next school year (2023-2024) would look like and for them to vote on. One calendar was if the school remained the same as a five day school year and the other was a proposed “transitional calendar,” having the students out of school every other Monday. This would allow parents to get an idea as to what it would be like if the school were to possibly become a four-day school year permanently down the road. O’Connor advised the board that most schools that have permanently changed to a four-day week have not noticed any real significant savings (such as in electric and other bills).He stated, however, that they would need to vote on this matter at this meeting for next school year. After much discussion, the board voted and approved of trying the “transitional calendar” for next school year.

Under new business, O’Connor reported that they have been updating their MSBA Policies. He noted that mostly it’s just changing the language on most of the policies. He stated some of the policies that had to be updated are the voting methods, purchasing, curriculum, career technology, and reporting suspected child abuse. The board approved of his report.

O’Connor advised the board the pay rate most of the other surrounding schools are paying their substitute teachers. After discussing the matter, the board approved of increasing substitute teachers pay to $100 a day.

O’Connor reported that the old baseball field light poles, lights, and reach-in freezer have been taken down and or removed, and advised that the items are up for surplus. Also, the district received a grant to get a new reach-in freezer to replace the old one that went bad. The board approved of his report.

Principal Travis Wait reported on the following items:

• There are 77 students enrolled in high school and 93 students in elementary;

• The Christmas Program was successful;

• Wait finished up all of his one-on-ones with all of the teachers before Christmas break;

• Grade cards are being mailed out this week;

• The Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball teams are playing in the Golden City Tournament this week and they will be playing in the Tony Dubray (Liberal) Tournament next week;

• And the students will be out of school next Monday, Jan. 16, for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The board approved of his report.

O’Connor gave his Superintendent report. He stated that they’re still trying to update their CSIP, and advised the board on what ESSAR funds have been transferred.

He stated that Secretary of the Board Sheila Gooch-Banes will be stepping down from her duties on the board at the end of this school year, meaning one seat will be available on the board. However, he advised that Chris Haynes will be coming in to fill the empty spot on the board, which will help to save the district from the extra expense of having to have an election on the matter.

O’Connor stated that the seniors will be deciding on Thursday, Jan. 12, where they’re going to go for their Senior Trip.

Lastly, O’Connor advised the board that the representative from Evergy will be at next month’s meeting to discuss the ways that they can save a considerable amount of money by having the school windows tinted, having solar panels installed, and changing all of the lights to the LED lights. The board approved of his report.

The board approved to adjourn the meeting, with next month’s meeting scheduled for March 9.

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