‘It means so much’: Mason family honored at Nevada Tiger basketball game

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Marc and Carrie Mason (Hunter’s mother and father) holding their late son’s basketball jersey Friday evening.
Photo by Kaleb Vestal | Daily Mail

Even though the Nevada Tigers lost this past Friday to the Carthage Tigers, it was a night that meant more than basketball for most people in attendance. The Mason family was able to share a night with the Nevada community to remember their late son, Hunter Mason, who tragically lost his life in a battle against brain cancer.

“It is difficult to put into words,” stated Marc Mason, Hunter’s father. “It means so much to all of us. The outpouring of love and support our community has demonstrated for Hunter and our family during this extremely difficult time has been so needed and so appreciated. We love and thank everyone for all they have done.”

Friday night was a night the Mason family will remember forever, as the whole entire community wore gray and purple shirts (the colors that Hunter wore playing linebacker at Western Illinois), that supported the Hunter Mason foundation.

“Everyone was reaching out in the previous weeks and days to order shirts and hats including the Carthage coaches,” reflected Marc. “It was very moving to see everyone wearing HLM or other purple shirts. The cheerleaders with purple pom poms, the Tiger Cage, the little kids, the Tigers wearing HLM for warmups, and all the fans. Hunter was a blessing to all of us and it was truly a special night for everyone to continue sharing Hunter’s story.”

One of the most touching parts of the evening is where the Mason family received Hunter’s basketball jersey before the game Friday, and was gifted by Shaun Gray, who was Hunter’s basketball coach when he played at Nevada High School.

Marc Mason said, “Hunter loved Nevada, and Hunter loved being a Tiger. He loved Logan Field and Wynn Gymnasium, as he would visit each every time he was home from college. He loved his school, his coaches, his teammates, and to be presented his high school jersey from Coach Gray, Coach Tally, and his high school teammates was very special. We knew Hunter was special and we are honored and humbled to see others share the same thoughts and feelings. His basketball jersey will hang with his football jersey from high school and college and we will talk about Hunter and continue to share his story through the Hunter L Mason Foundation, by supporting and encouraging personal and community development through sports, faith, and education, while bringing hope to those facing difficult times.

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