Decision to dissolve co-op commitment discussed at Sheldon Board of Education meeting Wednesday evening
President Jerod Lamb called the Sheldon School Board meeting to order Wednesday evening, Feb. 8, with Maureen Moran giving the opening prayer.
The board approved of the agenda, minutes from last month’s meeting, financial reports, paying the bills, and the balance and budget.
The two main issues that were discussed under Community Forum was how some of the high school boys and others are going out on the gym floor to practice shooting during halftime of the girls games in their street clothes and shoes and how this matter needs to come to an end. It was noted the boys on the basketball team need to be in their actual uniforms while practicing. The board approved that they need to be in their uniforms.
The second issue discussed was how the boys high school basketball team should be dressed when they are playing away games. It was stated that they need to have slacks, nice shirt and shoes on to go to the other schools, since this reflects back on the school. A third item of note in Community Forum was how the school is receiving a lot of compliments on their new marquee sign at the school's entrance.
In the facilities report, one board member shared a concern about the driveway into the school, saying that it desperately needs to be fixed. Superintendent Jason Irwin advised the board how the trees are needing to be trimmed, and reported that the FFA lost a lot of plants that they had in the greenhouse due to the cold weather that we have had this winter. The board discussed as to what they could do to try to help in these matters that were discussed.
As far as old business, Irwin advised the board that they had to dissolve their commitment with Bronaugh School, due to the fact that all of the girls decided that they did not want to play softball and only one boy was willing to play baseball this Spring. By them dissolving their commitment with Bronaugh, that would allow Bronaugh enough time to go back and play with Liberal as they always do every year. However, he informed the board that their will still be a track team for this Spring and that there are 10 to 15 students that are participating in the Trap Shooting sport for this Spring.
Going into new business, the board approved of the 2023-2024 Calendar School year, with them going five days a week. It would stay right on track with the ones that attend and go to Lamar Career Technical Center (LCTC). The board approved of two days in the Paid Holiday Policy. Irwin brought to the table again about the Roof/Solar Panels, and advised the board if they go with the panels, it would cost the school between $100,000 to $150,000. The board discussed the issue, and agreed to table the discussion after they get more information about the panels.