Sheldon Community Betterment Committee hosts 'Meet the Candidates' forum Monday

The Sheldon Community Betterment Committee held a "Meet the Candidates" forum Monday evening at their monthly meeting.
Committee member Phyllis Sprenkle listed off the candidates for the various boards and let those present speak on their behalf. It was noted that none of the Drywood Township candidates would be listed on the ballot due to a mishap in the filing, and each voter would have to write in the name of the candidates they chose. It was also noted that it was important that voters write the name correctly and exactly as each candidate had filed to be a proper vote.
Running for a two-year term on the City of Sheldon's Board of Aldermen are Robert P. Moran, Kassidy Biby, and Debbie Huggins. Moran was the sole candidate present. He noted that he has served on the board for a total of seven years. He stated the key to serving the community was to identify issues, develop a plan to deal with those issues, and then executing the plan.
Also running for a one-year term on the Sheldon Board of Aldermen is Rob Sewell. He stated that he would not be serving as Mayor any longer due to time constraints, but believes the town is in good and capable hands with Becky Morgan as the new mayor.
Morgan stated her major points of interest starting as the new mayor will include the lagoon/sewer and instilling pride in the Sheldon community.
For the Drywood Township Board member positions (there are two 2-year terms available), four candidates will be running. These include incumbents Brian Feldmann and Jim Byram, as well as Aron Stacy and David Shaw. Feldmann and Byram were present at the forum and expressed that it is a tough job, but that they were up for the challenge. Sprenkle also added that it is a misconception that the county does the roads — that this is, in fact, left to the townships.
Running for a two-year term as the Drywood Township Board Trustee are Daniel D. Laning and John Zoglmann. Laning was present for the forum and echoed the sentiments of Stacy and Shaw. Noting that the township covers 76 miles, Laning added that there are often challenges but the board faces them head-on.
At the top of the meeting, Sprenkle also noted that there will a county tax issue on the ballot. This issue proposes that county charge a 3 percent sales tax on retail sales of adult use marijuana sold in Vernon County.
The election will take place on Tuesday, April 4.