Locker Room talk with Abbey Heathman

Editor's note: Locker Room talk is a piece where every week the Nevada Daily Mail will interview a high school athlete and ask them a series of questions.
Who is your hero?
Probably my grandpa on my mom’s side of the family. He would take us to school every morning when we were younger and would do a lot of things. He would take care of some of the stuff for us. Unfortunately, he passed away.
Who is your favorite teammate, regardless of what sport they play?
Probably my older sister Tylin, who was a senior in high school when I was a sophomore. WHen you have your sister as a teammate, regardless of what team sport you play, it’s like you both are on the same brainwave together, which is pretty cool. I really enjoyed playing basketball with her.
What is your favorite sport to compete in, and what is your favorite sport to watch either at home or on your phone?
Basketball is definitely my favorite to compete in. It used to be volleyball, but as I got older, I started enjoying basketball more. As for what I like to watch on TV, football is probably my favorite. But since it’s spring, I like watching college basketball and March Madness.
Cade (Beshore) said on Locker Room Talk that UConn were the team to beat. Do you agree with him?
I know people who went to the University of Miami, so I am rooting for them, but I do believe UConn will win it all.
Let's say the Nevada R-5 School District is looking to add a sport to their athletic calendar that they do not currently have. Tyson Beshore (Nevada R-5's Superintendent) comes up to you and asks what sport they should add. What sport are you choosing?
Soccer hands down. Schools around this area like Carthage and Joplin, have a soccer team that competes in the spring. Right now, I am not in a sport competing somewhere, so I would love to play soccer if we had it. I would do it for sure.
What advice would you give someone who is going through a rough time?
Lean on those who are around you, and talk to someone. Sometimes you don’t need advice, but sometimes you do. It helps to talk to those you are closest with, and remember that the hard times are going to pass.
What are some of your hobbies that don't include sports?
Not really if I am being honest. I do like to fish because my family has a pond at our house. I do have chickens that I take care of, which might be surprising to some people. I do like to do yard work with my dad from time to time too.
Now these chickens, are they pets or do you use them for eggs and meat?
Mostly eggs, but since we do not have any more hens due to an incident with a raccoon, we have a rooster we keep as a pet, and he’s pretty nice. We did get some new chicks this spring.
What motivates you to work hard on the court?
My teammates. I don’t ever be outworked by anyone, which has been a personal thing for me. If I see someone who is working harder than me at something, it motivates me to work harder than them. I love when my team succeeds, and I love playing my best and to my full potential to help my team that I am a part of succeed.
What coach in your athletic career do you feel like has helped you out the most?
Blake Howarth (Nevada Lady Tiger basketball head coach). He was my freshman team basketball coach, and then the next year he moved to be the varsity head coach when I was a sophomore. I didn't want to play basketball my sophomore year, but he talked me into playing again. He has helped me improve my game a lot in the past couple of years and to be a better person on and off the field. He made it fun for me again.
What is your biggest fear?
I am not a fan of change. It’s something that is bound to happen, but I like routine and for things to stay the same as long as possible. That has been something that I have noticed in the past year going into my senior year.
Last time on Locker Room Talk, Cade Beshore wanted me to ask you how many touchdowns you wanted to throw in the 2023 Powerpuff flag football game on Saturday, and how many did you actually throw?
I think I ended up throwing three or five touchdowns on Saturday, but I didn't really go into the game with a goal in mind for myself. I just wanted to beat the juniors and win. I just went out there and played with my friends.
Did you get any advice out of Cade since he was the starting quarterback for Nevada’s football team this past season?
Unfortunately I didn’t. He wasn’t able to be there that day, so I was by myself in that department.
Next week on Locker Room talk, it will be Northeast Vernon County senior Ashlee Keith, who is involved with girls basketball and softball. Do you have a question for her?
What motivated her to be involved with the sports she played in high school?