Locker Room talk with Kennedy D'Elia

Editor’s note: Locker Room talk is a piece where every week the Nevada Daily Mail will interview a high school athlete and ask them a series of questions. This week's guest is Nevada High School senior Kennedy D'Elia.
Who is your hero?
I’d have to say my dad. He taught me so much whenever I was growing up. Fishing; baseball; football; He taught me how to do all of those things.
Who is your favorite teammate, regardless of what sport they play?
Case Sanderson. He’s always outgoing and just a funny guy that always makes everything just so much fun. Very cool dude to be teammates with.
What is your favorite sport to compete in, and what is your favorite sport to watch either at home or on your phone?
My favorite sport to compete in is baseball because if you mess up, then you're messed up. You can't usually fix it. My favorite sport to watch on TV is definitely hockey. Just because there's so much pushing and fighting going on during the match.
Let's say Nevada High School is looking to add a sport to their athletic calendar that they do not currently have. Nevada High School Athletic Director David Hawks and Nevada R-5 Superintendent Tyson Beshore come up to you and ask what sport they should add. What sport are you choosing?
I’d love for Nevada to have a fishing team. There are a lot of kids that go to school here that love to fish, and a lot of them are good at it. A lot of schools around us have a fishing team, so Nevada should too.
What advice would you give someone who is going through a rough time?
Just keep your head up and keep pushing through. It's gonna end, so you have to keep pushing through it.
What are some of your hobbies that don't include sports?
I used to be in video games, but not much anymore. That's really about it. Call of Duty and Minecraft were the games I loved to play on the PlayStation.
What motivates you to work hard on the field?
Definitely earning the spot on the team. There's other players right under me that are pretty good, so definitely earning the spot makes me work hard.
What coach in your athletic career do you feel like has helped you out the most?
Doug Sanderson, who is Case Sanderson's dad and was my coach when I played traveling baseball for the Nevada Athletics. He has pushed me to my limits before. Overall a really great coach.
What is your biggest fear?
Definitely get hit in downstairs during a game. I would not be able to throw the ball after that.
Last time on Locker Room Talk, Kourtnee Vestal from Nevada High School Girl's Tennis wanted me to ask what is a pre-game song that you listen to and gets you pumped up?
Just a Friend by Biz Markie. We’ve been playing it for every game of baseball this season. We feel like it gives us good luck and it brings the team closer together.
Next week on Locker Room talk, it will be Nevada High School senior Maddy Majors. Do you have a question for her?
Ask her what she does to get ready for a meet/game? What are her pregame rituals?