Nevada High School juniors tour Vernon County Courthouse to learn about local government

Saturday, May 13, 2023
Nevada High School juniors enjoyed a tour of the courthouse Wednesday.
Photo by Kaleb Vestal | Daily Mail

On Wednesday, May 10 the junior class at Nevada High School (NHS) embarked on a rapid fire tour of the Vernon County Courthouse. Both Brett Pettibon and Kirk Miller participated. Students from each class were taken on a shuttle each hour for a brief, 30 minute tour of the functions of the local government.

This tour was the wrap up for the students' most recent unit on local government.

The students were guided by County Clerk Adrienne Lee and Deputy Clerk Ragan Forkner.

"NHS would like to give a special shout out to Clerk Lee for coordinating the event which was a huge success," noted Miller.

Students were given a floor-by-floor tour which included a trip to the bell tower courtesy of Honorable Judge Fisher's administrative staff. Students were subjected to the relevance of their local government in action. "It is our hope that we can build upon this great experience for our students in the future," added Miller. "The day was a huge success with a high level of learning immersion."

Approximately 150 NHS juniors toured the courthouse throughout the day.

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