Nevada City Council heard Davis Park proposal Tuesday evening

Friday, May 19, 2023

During this week's Nevada City Council meeting, Nevada Park Board Chair Cyndia Haggard approached the council in regards to Davis Park.

Haggard noted that Davis Park was one of the parks noted in the Park Board's Five-Year Plan that the board felt should be removed from the city's park system. "It's not being utilized, it's a small park, we have a continual problem with vagrants, and its only got one or two pieces of equipment for the kids, but it's not a park kids can really utilize," she stated. "It's right off Centennial, so it's a busy highway with no fencing. And we don't have any plans to improve it."

Haggard noted that the board thought it would be nice if the Elks Lodge had an opportunity to acquire the property. "Lo and behold, a couple weeks ago, Jeff Bond (who is with the Elks) approached the Park Board and asked if they could aquire it," she noted. Haggard stated that the board thinks it would be win-win since there are no plans for the park and noted that it is just an expense.

She added that the Elks would intend to use the space for veterans coming through to park campers for a place to stay for a night or two.

Haggard closed by saying the park board's recommendation would be to declare the park surplus property, and open up the opportunity for the Elks to purchase it.

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