Schell City holds 7th Annual Fourth of July celebration

The town of Schell City commemorated its seventh annual Fourth of July Celebration on Saturday evening, June 24. This year's theme, "Independence Day," set the stage for a patriotic gathering that drew residents and visitors alike.
The festivities commenced with an invocation prayer led by Pastor Ken Swartz of the Christian Church. Attendees then enjoyed a complimentary picnic, generously made possible by numerous individuals. The leisurely gathering provided an opportunity for everyone to engage in fellowship and friendly conversations.
At 9:15 p.m., the eagerly awaited ceremonies commenced, marking the highlight of the evening. City Mayor David McCubbin warmly welcomed the attendees and shared a few words of appreciation with the guests. He then passed the microphone to Madalyn Crocker, the Coordinator/Director of the Festivities, who expressed gratitude towards the businesses and individuals who contributed to the event's success.
Crocker began by acknowledging the various businesses and individuals who made donations to make it a successful celebration. The City of Schell City also donated the necessary dumpster for the event. Local churches, community businesses, and individuals provided bottled water, sodas, side dishes, and desserts. Crocker expressed her gratitude to the City's Fire Department for their dedicated efforts. Lastly, she recognized Nathan Phelps, who orchestrated the fireworks display.
The ceremonies were then handed over to State Representative Dane Deihl, who paid tribute to all the veterans in attendance. Paula Gray delivered a heartfelt rendition of the "National Anthem," which was met with applause from the crowd. As the synchronized patriotic songs filled the air, a fireworks show illuminated the night sky. Attendees reveled in the spectacle, thoroughly enjoying the display.
Looking ahead, Crocker expressed her excitement for next year's celebration, indicating that plans were already underway.