Griffons end season with 14-2 loss
The Nevada Griffons ended their season Thursday night at home against the Clarinda A’s, knowing their season would end at Lyons Stadium due to their loss against the A’s Wednesday evening against the A’s and with Sedalia scoring a win as well. They wanted to end the season on a positive note, but instead fell to Clarinda with a final score of 14-2 in just seven innings.
“Tonight under a microscope - it's tough to look at,” stated Head Coach Tyler Brown. “I do feel like throughout the summer that we had success. It might not have shown up in the wins and last column, but if you go back and look at early on games, you see a ton of no out and two out walks. We weren't hitting well. We weren't playing good defense. Those are kind of the main points.”
But even though they end the year with a 16-27 loss, Brown still sees his first year as a successful one. “To me, it's the growth of individuals. You get a really short time to work with guys. We got guys in town on May 27, and here we are, less than two months later, and we're saying our goodbyes. So as a coach, it's really hard to get guys to buy in, but you look at the guys and you see that they did get better. The huge part of that is obviously the work they put in, but also the trust that they put into us as coaches. I can't thank these guys enough for the hard work that they put in during the summer and the growth that we did see from each one of them.”
Brown even feels like he’s grown as a coach since taking on the Griffons. “I feel like I've matured as a coach. I'm 25, and I started coaching two months after my career was over at a school that I went to. So I graduated and then turned around and was coaching guys that I played with. So I was still kind of one of the guys in, in some ways. So getting away from guys that I actually played with was nice - Guys that haven't seen me in the player role was good for me. It helped me create the separation that you need, but also helped me connect in different ways to these guys. So, ah, that's one of the biggest ways that I saw personal growth with the summer.”