Nevada High School Fall Sports 'Meet the Players' night

Friday, August 18, 2023
Head Football Coach Wes Beachler (pictured far right) introduces the 2023-2024 Nevada High School Tiger Football team during Thursday evening's "Meet the Players" night. Pictured are the junior and senior class players.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

Nevada community members filled the stands at Logan Field Thursday evening for the "Meet the Players" night for all fall sports teams.

Athletic Director David Hawks welcomed friends, families, and supporters of the Nevada R-5 athletics programs, noting that work was currently being completed on Wynn gymnasium's floor. He added that the updates should be completed by start of school, next week.

Fall sports being recognized throughout the evening's event included cheerleading; Crimson Kickers (dance team); cross country; girl's golf; softball; boy's swimming; girl's tennis; volleyball; and football. Each sports' coach took turns at the microphone introducing each member of their 2023-2024 team roster.

In addition, Nevada Tigers All Sports Booster Club President Myles Miller spoke about the organization's mission ­­— providing monetary support, volunteer support, and promoting team spirit. Miller noted that the organization had raised an impressive $36,000 this year.

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