Senator Crawford and Rep. Diehl visit site for proposed senior housing development

Friday, September 8, 2023
Rep. Dane Diehl, Ryan Lingle, Senator Sandy Crawford, and MBL Development Co. President/Owner Kim Lingle met Wednesday afternoon to discuss the proposed senior housing development in Nevada, Mo.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

During Tuesday evening's Nevada City Council meeting, the council heard a presentation from President and owner of MBL Development Co. Kim Lingle concerning a request for support from the city council on a resolution that would help the comany receive funding for a senior housing development. The development — named Augusta Gardens — is a 38-unit senior housing development that will provide affordable and market-rate housing opportunities in Nevada.

On Wednesday afternoon, Senator Sandy Crawford and Rep. Dane Diehl met with Lingle at the plot of land where the proposed development would be located if the funding goes through. Augusta Gardens would be located directly behind Walmart, in Nevada, just off of South Barrett Street.

"I can tell you the facility in Sedalia is very nice," commented Sen. Crawford, referring to MBL's housing development located there. "This will be a nice addition to the Nevada community."

Lingle noted that the company has done three phases in Sedalia, noting that the development originally began in 2011.

"I think you will see a lot of people moving off of the farm and things like that," stated Sen. Crawford. "I think that's kind of what we saw in Sedalia, if I remember correctly. It's just a super nice facility (Sedalia). I'm very impressed, so nothing to worry about as far as quality of project."

Sen. Crawford also noted that the proposed development would be in a great location if it is green-lighted. "There's lot of things right here, close," she stated.

Noting a "ripple effect" of people selling their houses to reside in the development ultimately providing housing for others in the community, she added that with lots of farm land in the country, that people "may be moving in off of the farm or downsizing, or just with retirement they don't want to take care of things. It will be a great addition to the area, I can speak first-hand. In Sedalia, they just keep begging them to come back and do more."

The project received support from the Nevada City Council Tuesday evening in the form of Resolution No. 1736, which gave the council's support to MBL Development Co. to apply for Missouri Housing Development Commission funding.

Lingle noted that the support of both Senator Crawford and Rep. Diehl will help set Nevada apart from other communities who are applying for these same funds. With the funds being limited, Lingle noted that it is important for the Augusta Gardens development to receive them to continue with the project.

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