Nevada Lions Club Pancake Breakfast to be held Saturday at new location

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Nevada Lions Club is hosting its Annual Fall Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.

This year, the pancake breakfast has changed locations and will now be held at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center at 200 S. Ash St., in Nevada.

The pancake feed serves as a key fundraiser for the Lions, who contribute to local commmunity projects and activities.

The Nevada Lions Club also contributes to international/national service projects.

The semi-annual pancake breakfast is a long-standing tradition with the Nevada Lions, who greet friends, family, and fellow community members with the pancake breakfast.

It also provides a chance for the community members to catch up with seldom seen friends. It isn’t unusual to see a family come in, get their breakfast and sit down with one group, then move on to a second or third.

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