Nevada Lions Club Pancake Breakfast to be held Saturday at new location
The Nevada Lions Club is hosting its Annual Fall Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
This year, the pancake breakfast has changed locations and will now be held at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center at 200 S. Ash St., in Nevada.
The pancake feed serves as a key fundraiser for the Lions, who contribute to local commmunity projects and activities.
The Nevada Lions Club also contributes to international/national service projects.
The semi-annual pancake breakfast is a long-standing tradition with the Nevada Lions, who greet friends, family, and fellow community members with the pancake breakfast.
It also provides a chance for the community members to catch up with seldom seen friends. It isn’t unusual to see a family come in, get their breakfast and sit down with one group, then move on to a second or third.